M.K. Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, recently took a captivating journey through the enchanting backwaters of Kumarakom, Kerala, aboard a traditional houseboat. This trip stood out for its stunning landscapes and the profound experiences it offered,...
The recent visit of Chief Minister M.K. Stalin to Kumarakom marks a pivotal moment for the tourism sectors of both Tamil Nadu and Kerala, serving as a powerful call for stakeholders to come together for shared growth and prosperity. As he departed, the sentiments...
When choosing the perfect wedding destination, couples seek not only breathtaking beauty but also an unforgettable ambiance that enhances their special day. Enter Kumarakom, an enchanting village in Kerala that truly embodies the essence of romance and celebration....
Kumarakom, located in the serene backwaters of Kerala, is a perfect destination for a relaxing two-day getaway. Here’s a suggested itinerary for your 2-day visit: Day 1: Exploring Nature and Local Culture Morning: Vembanad Lake Start your day with a peaceful...
Alleppey and Kumarakom are beautiful destinations in Kerala. They are known for their backwaters and serene landscapes but offer different experiences. Alleppey (Alappuzha) is famous for its houseboat cruises, vibrant backwater scenery, lively atmosphere,...